TepidariumIn ancient times, the tepidarium was a room in which the temperature was slightly higher than in the rest of the house. Today, it is understood to be a room in which the air temperature is …
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TepidariumIn ancient times, the tepidarium was a room in which the temperature was slightly higher than in the rest of the house. Today, it is understood to be a room in which the air temperature is between 18 and 25 degrees. In the tepidarium you can relax and enjoy the warmth. The tepidarium area is usually a little warmer than the sauna interior, but not as hot as a steam bath. The temperature is a maximum of 40 to 45 degrees Celsius. Many people find it relaxing to warm up in the tepidarium before going into the sauna.
Example Insights for Tepidarium
This is what a Sauna with Tepidarium can look like.
Tepidarium | Sieben Welten - Therme & Spa Resort
Die milden 40-45° C Raumtemperatur und die hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit lösen verspannte Muskeln und diene…
Tepidarium | DAS LEUZE
Tepidarium | DAS LEUZE
Tepidarium | Vitalis
Subtropisches Klima ( ca. 55 Grad und 50-70 % Luftfeuchtigkeit) erzeugt ein Dampfgenerator. Diese A…
Casa del Descanso - Tepidarium | Avenida-Therme
Du möchtest einfach abschalten, ausruhen und es dir gut gehen lassen - das gelingt im Tepidarium, e…
Cubiculum | Saunalandschaft Plantsch
Das Cubiculum bietet “mildes Schwitzen” bei ca. 60°C. Das schweißtreibende Klima wird durch die hoh…
Tepidarium | SchwabenQuellen
Fühlst du dich müde und abgeschlagen? Dann genießen Sie einen Besuch im Tepidarium. Die Raumtemper…
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